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The first step is to establish that something is possible;
then probability will occur.
— Elon Musk

Imagine a world where you can travel from Los Angeles to San Fransisco in 30 minutes, or from London to Manchester in 15 minutes. Suddenly you could live anywhere, work anywhere, and visit anywhere.

Hyperloop is a high-speed transportation system initially open sourced by Elon Musk in 2013. The concept consists of passenger and cargo pods being propelled at up to 1,200km/h (760 mph) in a low pressure tube or tunnel using sustainable and cost-efficient energy.

With the Hyperloop we introduce a new way of thinking about the world. The concept of distance is about to change drastically.

Welcome to rLoop, the Hyperloop without the hype.



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The hPod Concept

The hPod is a hyperloop system, designed with functionality, adaptability and scalability in mind. The hPod is a set of unified building blocks; a set not aimed at a single use case, but from which multiple configurations can be built.


hPod Cargo Configuration

The basis of most rail and transport systems is not passenger numbers carried but rather freight capacity. When the hyperloop was first presented Elon Musk wrote about passengers, but the real opportunity comes with freight.

rLoop has designed a series of cargo components utilising the ubiquitous shipping container. Designed to safeguard the security of the freight and minimise handling, rLoop sees the hyperloop enabling land transport of significant loads with speed and accuracy as part of the invisible A to B transport. After the hyperloop the container can then continue for last mile transport using trucks and be broken down for economic retail utilisation.

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hPod Passenger Configuration

People matter too, and at rLoop we plan for a system of passenger pods, expandable to ensure seamless travel at speed of sound and reducing barriers to travel and distance to participate in life activities. Join us in our vision of the future.


rLoop is not a team of PR evangelists but rather designers, engineers, manufacturers, and scientists actively making the future.

The future is coming fast. Join us.